LCC – Club Goes International

Here is the response from our first potential long distance member. A case of mistaken identity me thinks šŸ˜³

Oh my goodness.

Being new to the area I live in, I googled ā€œLanark Curling Clubā€, and up comes your website.Ā  I have a polite email conversation with Mr. Hood, and look forward to more info from Mr. Cogle.Ā  I read through Mr. Cogleā€™s email (see below).Ā  Then I see that the membership is Ā£38.50.

A lightbulb goes off in my brain.

Iā€™m speaking to the good people of the curling club in Lanark, Scotland, where the monetary unit is the pound.Ā  Iā€™m living a whole ocean away near Lanark, Ontario, Canada.Ā  (Which, by the way, is about 15 minutes north of Perth, Ontario, Canada – about an hourā€™s drive west of our nationā€™s capital – Ottawa).

Now I feel like a dope.Ā  I apologize for taking your time.

It turns out the area in which I live was originally settled mainly as a Scottish military post in the early 1800ā€™s, hence the many Scottish town names.

It is on our bucket list to travel to Scotland at some time.Ā  If I ever do make it there, Iā€™ll be sure to visit the Lanark Curling club, and look to buy a round of pints for the good people there.


Luke Wierdsma ā€“ proud resident of Lanark, Canada.

PS ā€“ there is even the city of Cornwall, a couple of hours drive from us, so even that part of the geographical puzzle Mr. Cogle talks about below made sense to me.Ā  Weird.

PPS ā€“ there is no curling club in the tiny town of Lanark, Canada, so Iā€™m looking into playing in Perth (Canada)

From: Iain Cogle []
Sent: Sunday, September 10, 2017 6:53 PM
To: Wierdsma, Lucas

Hi Luke,

My apologies for the delay in responding, I found myself working in Cornwall during the week and your email got buried under many others.

I’ll try and give a brief summary,

Lanark Curling club generally has games on Tuesdays or Thursdays usually averaging about once a week but sometimes missing weeks, games usually at 8pm and Lanarkshire Ice Rink at Hamilton.

We actually have our Season opening bonspiel on the 27th September @ 5:45pm if you wanted to come along and meet folks and have a game.

There are also some general training sessions open to all at the ice rink on sunday early afternoons and thursday mornings I think.

With regards to costs, combined club & Royal caledonian curling club membership is Ā£38, and normally its ~Ā£10-Ā£12.50 per game.

If you have any further questions please just get in touch,



From: Jack Hood <>
Sent: 07 September 2017 15:32
To: ‘Lucas Wierdsma’
Subject: *C18L – Website – Enquiry/new to the area, and to curling

Good afternoon Luke,

And thanks for getting in touch with us.

I’ll forward your enquiry to our Club Secretary – Iain Cogle, who will get back to you with further information.

And, as you have contacted us by our Website, it has a pretty comprehensive run down as to what we get up too, specifically the ABOUT US & POST Pages.

Best regards and hope to possibly meet your daughter and yourself soon?

Jack Hood

Webmaster (Weby)

—–Original Message—–
From: Lucas Wierdsma []
Sent: 07 September 2017 13:46
Subject: new to the area, and to curling

From: Lucas Wierdsma <>

Subject: new to the area, and to curling

Message Body:

Looking for a way to introduce ourselves to the community, thought we’d look into curling.Ā  My daughter and I moved to Lanark in the past year.

What kind of league is available for brand new curlers?

What does a membership cost, or what does it cost to join a league?Ā  Looking for something like once per week.

How do we get on a team?


Luke Wierdsma

This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Lanark Rocks On-Line (