Glasgow Ice Centre – Looking Positive


We are delighted that the interim feedback from IPW Ltd who are conducting the Feasibility Study is positive.   Following their initial market research and financial modelling they are confident that the business case stacks up for a new ice centre.   We are on target to feedback the outcomes to the Curling Community in October.   Due to the current Covid-19 restrictions, this will be by video conference and details will be provided nearer the time.

Meantime, a small Curler Engagement Group has been established to represent the diverse interests of the Curling Community. We are aware that communication recently has been one way and that we rely heavily on the goodness of Club Secretaries to pass on the information.  We are keen to ensure that Curlers are kept up-to-date on the project’s progress and this Group provides an additional route to feedback your views.

The Engagement Group has given permission for their contact details to be shared and they welcome your input:

Alasdair Schreiber
Clive Thomson
Eilidh Crawford
Evelyn Reid
John McGowan
Kenny McNab
Liz Scott
Yvonne Chalmers

They will give feedback to the GIC Project Team, but your input to them will be in confidence and remain anonymous unless you give permission to share.

In addition, you can always contact the Project directly by email to  Normally we will respond within 2 working days.  The GIC Project also sends email directly to Curlers.  If you wish to be added to this distribution list, please send us an email.

You can follow the GIC project on social media and the links to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn by clicking on the live icons below.

Eleanor McDougall

on behalf of GIC

Trustees Alan Hannah, Lauren Gray, Liz Burton-King,Margarita Sweeney-Baird BEM 

Glasgow Ice Centre