INV_Boswall_17 – Trophy Heading East

21/03/17 – JH

Well our run over the last few years, in our annual friendly against BOSWALL CC , came to an end last night 🙁 , but – hey you can’t keep wining – can you?

Lanark v Boswall – Scorecard (Click the Scorecard to see the Latest Standings)

On the up-side it was great to see Wilson Heatlie (THE HEATLIE SCUTTLE) – one of our well ‘kent’ ex-members and this season’s Boswall President, in fairly fine fettle after his numerous ‘brushes’ with the surgeons knife – being presented with the trophy from our President Frank (FC). ABW Wilson will be including a wee write-up in this Post along with a photo or two.

Jack 🙂