LCC – Christmas Bonspiel: Carrot Cake and Stand Up.

YUILL LOG – Winners Bob (BT) Iain (IC) Anne (AH) Gordon (GF) + President Hugh (HC)

Well done to Bob Thomson, Anne Hood, Iain Cogle and in all humility Yours Truly on winning the 2018 YUILL LOG. 2018 really has been the year of Bob Thomson.

Results Table – HERE .

Thanks to Martin Yuill for augmenting the prize with a chocolate cake version of the Trophy, very much appreciated.

The Wooly ‘Xmas’ Jumpers

Thanks also to Alistair, for baking and supplying the carrot cake, absolutely delicious, then rounding off the evening with a bit of nearly Politically Correct Comedy Stand Up. I had no idea that he possessed such diverse range of talents. So very pleased he joined us on the night, he told me earlier that as a rule he didn’t play in Bonspiels.

StandingsHERE .

Thanks to all who supported Lanark CC’s Christmas Bonspiel, we contrived to get the number over the magical 16 required to fully finance the ice fees and fill the playing Rinks. The Club needs your support and is getting it.

The ‘Hoodlums’ In Disguise

Finally, may I thank you all, for your assistance on the Subs front throughout the season so far, your response and support has been quite remarkable.

Seasonal Best Wishes to you all.



1 Comment on “LCC – Christmas Bonspiel: Carrot Cake and Stand Up.

  1. Hi all,

    Good night last night with a close result between Bob and Martins’ Rinks.

    And update to Gordon’s Post – HERE . (Pics and Tables Added).



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