Anne’s Last Slide – Amateur (Ham) Radio

Anne’s QSL CARD designed by Jack’s brother Duncan – CLICK Card To View

And CLICK HERE to view Jack’s ‘Complimentary’ QSL Card


Anne’s love story began whilst supplementing her college grant by ‘temping’ as a secretary in a Glasgow telecoms company where she met Jack Hood working in the service division, who was also an amateur radio enthusiast. Intrigued by the world of amateur radio, Anne delved into it herself, joining the Motherwell based MID LANARK AMATUER RADIO SOCIETY, with their tutelage obtaining her City & Guilds Amateur Radio certification and her own callsign GM4UXX

Her dedication to this hobby was evident taking on the role of Secretary of the Club, she even personalised her car’s number plate to A4UXX – a gift from Jack, which her colleagues wrongly took to mean “Anne 4 U Kiss Kiss.”- very romantic”


Interestingly Jack was a founding member of an alternative club WoSARS – The West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society based in Glasgow with his ‘loyalty’ lying with this club so never joined Anne at MLARS. However Anne was well ‘kent’ at WoSARS taking part in various contests and social activities.

Anne Operating on HF (Short Waves) with Juri MM0DFV from WoSARS’s ‘Shack’ and Club Callsign – GM4AGG

CLICK Picture for more pictures of Anne’s association with WoSARS