Anne’s Last Slide – Cycling

Anne on one of her 'off-road' cycles



Like a lot children Anne was fortunate to be given a bike, but this was abandoned once into her teens (not too cool to be riding around in a bike). However, meeting Jack (later husband) he was still using his old ‘teenage’ slogger, superceded in 1985 with one of the first mountain bikes in Scotland – his American built ‘Ridgeback’. Still in his possession.

Jack encouraged Anne to rekindle her interest in cycling – specifically cycle tracks and off-road – one timing pushing Anne to the limit, cycling from CANNICH in the Scottish Highlands to KYLE OF LOCHALSH to catch the train to MUIR OF ORD to cycle back to Cannich. This escapade almost ended up with a divorce.

Sponsored Cycle (2000) – SECC Glasgow to Kirkintilloch – CLICK to view Pic


Aunty Anne With Heather & Lyne – Edinburgh Cycle Tour – CLICK To View Pic


Anne retired from the teaching profession in 2010 allowing her more time to participate in other activities including the Lanark U3A (University Of The Third Age) which had a Cycle Group. The objective of the Group is ‘low-key’ cycling around quiet Lanarkshire roads with pit-stops for cake & coffee with the odd excursion further afield.

Union Canal to South Queensferry (2019) – CLICK to view Pic

Latterly Anne started to struggle keeping up with the Group, but there was help on the horizon with the purchase of a new EBike.



Anne Takes a Dip – CLICK to view Pic

Now there is a story why Anne looks a wee bit ‘drookit’ in this picture. Another one of Jack’s little ‘stories’.

Unfortunately, her deteriorating hips made it hard even with the Ebike to participate in the Group’s escapades. Two successful replacement hip operations were the order of the day, but unfortunately advancing cancer caught up with her before she could capitalise from the benefits.

The ‘up-side’ Jack in his ‘advancing’ years now benefits from its assistance. Thanks Anne