Last night saw Bill (BJ), Bob (BT), Alistair (AK) and myself (JH) take part in the first round of the LANARKSHIRE PROVINCE KNOCKOUT against (NO-SHOW) Douglas . The first end saw Douglas’s Skip – John, produce an angle promotion of a …

PRL Knockout – Down To The ‘Pot-Lid’ Read more »

A nice introduction to this Season’s curling tonight saw Donald Macrae (DM) Jack Hood (JH) Anne Hood (AH) and Anne Macrae (AM) representing Lanark, finishing with a ‘Par’ score and 4th overall out of 6 Rinks. Thanks to the members …

Lanark’s Rink – Midway House At The Hamilton & Thornyhill’s Bonspiel Read more »

Well in this year’s Biggar District and Upper Clydesdale Province (PRB) – Presidents Cup, our Lanark Rink – Bill (BJ), Ian (IR), Anne (AH) and Jack (JH) couldn’t follow-up on last year’s success – HERE . Down two after the first …

PRB – Presidents Cup_19 – Lesmahagow This Year’s Winners Read more »