13th January – Murrayfield It’s always nice for both of us (AH) to be invited to play in Boswall’s annual bonspiel at the beginning of a new year. And in the past we have been fortunate to have been in …

INV – Boswall Annual Bospiel_18 – No ‘Hoodlums’ In Winning Rink Read more »

On Sunday 14th January 2018 12 teams participated in the annual CAMBUSNETHAN CUP – sponsored by the CAMBUSNETHAN CLUB.  We all played 3 x 4-end games using the SCHENKEL System.  Great fun was had by all – with David Hall’s team and …

LIR – Cambusnethan Cup_18 – Lanark Plays Off in The Final Read more »

The Royal Caledonian Curling Club Adopts The Trading Name, Scottish Curling We are delighted to announce, that from today, the Royal Caledonian Curling Club will be adopting the trading name, Scottish Curling. The decision to rebrand follows research with our …

RCC – The RCCC Trades As Scottish Curling Read more »