10/03/16 – AH On Sunday 6th March, LIR hosted the Bob Mackintosh competition ie 3 x 6-end games operating the Schenkel system (Ends, Shots…..). During Sept-Oct 2014 Anne and Jack Hood accompanied 15 other curlers for a SWISS CURLING TOUR, …

CMP – Bob Mackintosh Cup_16 – Swiss_14 Tour Getogether Read more »

  02/04/16 – JH<email> Hi again folks! Following on from Anne’s email – just not quite right – in that we did the 5 bit hat trick this year (and more). Anne had missed Bob’s (BT) rink wining the LIR’s …

LIR – Senior Men’s 2016 – Alistair’s Rink – Wins!!!!! Read more »

23/02/16 – JH And to see the current TABLE click on the above table graphic. Well done everyone. Jack (;>J 22/02/16 – AH CONGRATULATIONS to Bob Thomson, Bill Jackson, Alistair Mackintosh, Tom Steele, Frank Caddell, Martin Yuill and super-subs Brian Stephenson …

LIR – West Of Scotland_16 (WOS) – Lanark Wins – Yippee!!! Read more »