Members Returns & Website Improvements

Copied off LCC Members Mailbox – MESSAGE#293 . 15th March.

“……….Hello everybody, I trust you are all bearing up during the ongoing pandemic. Busy at this end – as usual.


In discussion with our Secretary Gordon, and at the request of other Committee Members, I have created this year’s Return for the forthcoming season 21/22. This can be accessed – HERE . (Also off the HOMEPAGE’s Picture Diary – March: the access code is just 1939 ; as with most locations on our Website – changed from lanark-1939).

Although the prospect of us ‘sliding-off’ in September is looking promising; if you could fill-in the Form from this understanding; and Return accordingly (the SEND Button). Gordon is the recipient and an early response would be appreciated, and once completed, allow Iain to book the required ice. Thanks (on behalf of the Committee)


As I mentioned – busy at this end. And indeed one area I have been busy with was trying to improve access to various areas of our Website to help you track-down information, pages and relevant links. Following up on comments from the Committee and members; before the 19/20 Season commenced, I worked on our HOMEPAGE to give you easy access to most of the competitions we take part in; from a Mobile perspective with the use of access buttons. Continuing along this theme, I have now expanded this to other areas of the Site. This will continue to be improved upon.

Have a look starting with our HOMEPAGE ; from which I would like to highlight:

QUICKLINK – In place of Menu Headers; for ease of access from a Mobile, along with the HOMEPAGE access buttons, use this search engine to track-down other TablesPagesWeb Links etc.

GALLERY – This is a new facility and continues to be populated with photos and media. Selection is via the Category Buttons and Tag Cloud.

TIMELINE – Again a new facility that tracks our History and historical events. Like the Gallery, it continues to be populated.

If you would like to contribute to either the Gallery or Timeline, just email your article/photo (preferably as a .jpg) to myself. Thanks!

MAILBOX – Like the Gallery and Timeline, this is a new service accessible from our Homepage. In this year’s Return it explains the facility more fully and I would encourage all members to sign-up. It will only fully work when everyone subscribes. Please! Thanks!! And indeed this email/Posting is generated within our Mailbox (signed up members see below).

I hope you like the layout of our Site, and of course if you have any thoughts regarding improvements or if something is not right or other queries; please contact me.

Fingers crossed that we are able to meet in September for our Opening Bonspiel.

Till then – best regards


((Existing Mailbox Members: Gordon (GF), Ian (IR), Anne (AH), Bill (BN) [John Jarvie] you should receive this Post straight off the Mailbox and of course can respond [if required] using the SEND button. I will email all other Members accordingly Jack (JH))………………….”