04/03/17 – AH On 2nd March, Lanark CC faced Douglas CC in the final of the  GALLOWAY KNOCKOUT (where you can checkout Standings and Draw) competition which is run by the Upperward of Curling Association. Lanark   1 1 …

UWL – Galloway Trophy_17 – Lanark In Final – Go For It Lanark!!!! Read more »

  21/02/17 – FC It’s not every day you get invited to a 225th Birthday Party but that’s what happened to Bob Thomson, Anne and Jack Hood and me on Friday 17th February. Douglas CC was established roughly 50 years …

Douglas Curling Club – 225th Anniversary Bonspiel Read more »

27/02/17 – AH Congratulations to Bob Thomson, Frank Caddell, Iain Cogle and Dorothy Noble who snatched the President’s League title from opposing  team Anne Hood, Gregor Noble, Mary Tweedie and David Glennie.  Anne’s team were undefeated as they entered the …

LCC (JH) – Presidents_17 – Anne’s (AH) Rink Looking Good – but? Read more »