04/02/17 – JH – TABLE & STANDINGS –  updated – Hugh’s (HC) summary to follow – over to you  Hugh 🙂 03/02/17 – AH CONGRATULATIONS to Lanark CC who scooped up the Jolipestal trophy today with +22 shots. Dippool’s 1215hrs …

Jolipestal 2017 – Lanark CC Wins This Season – Yippee!!!! Read more »

16/01/17 – AH Last Saturday (14th) saw Jack and myself taking part in Boswall’s Annual Bonspiel. It was great to meet up with well kent friends and catch up on the latest details on Boswall’s President – Wilson Heatlie and …

INV (AH) – Boswall Annual Bospiel_17 – Jack In The Winning Rink – Again! Read more »

    07/03/17 – JH – And it came down to one last final shot from Bob (BT) in his final end. More to follow. 07/02/17 – JH – Not quite on our winning ways last night with only one …

LCC (JH) – New Monklands_17 – We Won – Yippee – But It Was Down To One Final Stone Read more »