Dear Member, At the AGM, the Chairman of the Board made a commitment to improve engagement and consultation with the membership on the important topic of how the women’s, men’s and mixed doubles teams to represent Scotland at World Championships …

RCCC – Membership Consultation Events on Selection Read more »

  [Edit 22/10/20 – Email from Lockhart: [CALENDAR UPDATED (JH)] Dear Club Secretary As you will no doubt be aware, the Scottish Government has extended the Central Belt Area restrictions until at least Monday 2nd November. The ice rink must …

Covid 19 Resurgence Limits Curling At The LIR Read more »

I would like to thank those members who attended last night’s OPENING BONSPIEL. Hopefully you did not feel too uncomfortable playing with the guidelines which have been put in place? Personally, I thought we handled it quite well for your …

Were Back (But Just Who Is Behind The Mask – Jim?) Read more »