28/09/15 – Werner Hiller Dear Brother and Sister Curler, Our webmaster Paul Nakagaki has prepared for you a flyer about the Scottish week in January 2016. Maybe you could make some publicity among your curling friends, while putting up our …

INTERNATIONAL – Zermatt Invitation – Scotland Week Read more »

18/09/15 – AH The Shareholders held their Opening Bonspiel on Wednesday 16th September and 8 teams competed in this fun game. Old faces were back and it was pleasing to see some new ‘shareholders’ participating. We all enjoyed the game: …

SHAREHOLDERS – Opening Bonspiel – Winners & Losers Read more »

  30/03/15 – AH  Lanark CC enjoyed another well-organised International Gathering at Murrayfield from Friday 27th to Sunday 29th March. Team 1 – ie Anne Hood AH, Jack Hood JH, Dot Moran DR and David Sidney DS played on Friday and Saturday and …

INV – Edinburgh Gathering_15 – Renewed Friendships Read more »