Being Populated – Feb 2021 Onwards

BACKGROUND:  As the title implies, this is a historical record of LANARK CURLING CLUB ; listing key events for the Club and it’s Members (and other events outwith the Club that maybe relevant). Entries continue to be updated, and at present take us back to 1783 and our bonspiel with Douglas (Curling Club).

If you have information that you think might improve the accuracy – please CONTACT us. Thanks!

CLICK – On Each TimeLine Box Header For Further Information or the Read More tag…….

LIR 50th Gala Dinner

After all the planning, the Gala Dinner (to celebrate LIR’s 50th year) was duly held on 25th November 2017 and what a night it was! …
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LIR @ 50 (1967/2017) – Happy Birthday

The curling season got off to a great start with a wonderful 50th Anniversary Celebration Day held on Saturday, September 16th.. Read more about the…
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The Story Of Dino

[caption id="attachment_2189" align="aligncenter" width="326"] COMPETITIONS - DINOSAURS - Are Still Not Extinct[/caption] For many years Lanark CC has held a friendly match against Cambusnethan CC,…
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The Boswall Challenge Cup – A New Interclub Competition

Wilson Heatlie (deceased) whilst teaching and living in Lanark, joined Lanark CC in 1994. Moving to Edinburgh to take-up a new teaching position; to keep…
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Playing For The Vassie Medal On Lanark Loch

Lanark Loch December 2010 Vassie Medal (Closing Bonspiel) - Winners Alan Sellars (AS), Tom Steele (TS), Martin Yuill (MY) - Skip and Iain Hutton -…
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‘ON-THE-ICE’ – The LIR’s Newsletter

Edited by Anne Hood of LCC (along with various contributors); following on from the success of 'LANARK ROCKS', and before the creation of the LIR's…
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Lanark Takes Part In The Annual Edinburgh International Curlers Gathering

The EDINBURGH INTERNATIONAL CURLERS GATHERING is a yearly fun bonspiel for 28 teams taking place at MURRAYFIELD CURLING RINK, Edinburgh usually towards the end of March. A single…
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Lanark First Winners of New Galloway Trophy (UWL)

".......This solid silver trophy known as the Tenants Cup was originally presented by Sir Wyndham Anstruther in 1892 to one of his tenants, Mrs James…
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The New Monklands Challenge Trophy

CLICK - For More Information "In discussions between club Presidents [Sandy Millar - New Monklands & Moray Deane - Lanark] and some club members of…
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LIR 40 Years Young (1967/2007)

On Saturday 15th September; a celebration day, was held to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Ice Rink. Donald Macrae was the piper for the…
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First Edition of ‘Lanark Rocks’ Published

In 2005 the Club’s newsletter ‘morphed’ into the Lanark Rocks Magazine which was published periodically throughout the curling season and distributed to Club (and Honorary) Members…
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Lanark Runners Up In 2005 Rink Championships

  [caption id="attachment_11062" align="aligncenter" width="573"] Runners Up - Martin (MY) 2nd, Bobby (BG) 3rd, Richard (RG) Skip, Jack (JH) Lead Galleon Manager & Jim Murdoch…
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Lanark Loch Freezes – Outdoor Curling

With milder winters the Club has rare opportunities to take part in outdoor curling. It's natural home is Lanark Loch and in December 1995 saw…
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The International Curling Federation (ICF) Founded Then The WCF

"The World Curling Federation (WCF) is the world governing body for curling accreditation, with offices in Perth, Scotland. It was formed out of the International Curling Federation (ICF), when the push…
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The Upperward of Lanarkshire Curling Club Reconstituted (UWL)

At a meeting in his Ladyacre Tearooms, Lanark, on Tuesday 29th May 1962, with Mr. Eddie Foulis in the Chair, and attended by representatives from…
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The Jolipestal Trophy

[caption id="attachment_1986" align="aligncenter" width="263"] The JOLIPESTAL Trophy [JH][/caption]Lanark Curling Club has the privilege of organising this keenly contested inter-club competition. The Jolipestal began in 1957…
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LCC Affiliates To The RCCC

[caption id="attachment_10849" align="aligncenter" width="548"] Curling at Carsebreck by Charles Martin Hardie. Commissioned by the RCCC in 1899 to celebrate its Diamond Jubilee. Now in the…
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The History of The Upper Ward of Lanarkshire Curling Club (UWL)

BACKGROUND Information supplied by Drew Walker - Secretary/Treasurer - Nov 2022 (Original copy poor and re-typed by Anne Hood (AH) of LCC) The Upperward of…
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John Vassie Presents Gold Medal To Club

  CLICK - For The Full VASSIE MEDAL Story "Mr John Vassie was elected as President of LCC. He presented a gold medal for an…
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LCC Minutes History

As you may have seen from the initial entry in our TIMELINE, Lanark Curling Club goes back before 1783. Fortunately we have a complete set of…
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